Castlevania: Nocturne free Tv shows

Castlevania: Nocturne - 2023

In the thick of the French Revolution, members of the so-called lower classes are rising up to fight inequality. Meanwhile, Richter Belmont senses a far grimmer and greater danger. He's picked up his family's long-held tradition of vampire hunting, a vocation that goes back almost as long as a vampiric life span (in other words, forever) but he's never seen anything quite like what he's witnessing now.
Eps 2: Horror Beyond Nightmares
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Eps 6: Guilty Men to Be Judged
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Eps 1: A Common Enemy in Evil
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Eps 3: Freedom Was Sweeter
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Eps 4: Horrors Rising from the Earth
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Eps 5: The Natural Order
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Eps 7: Blood Is the Only Way
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Eps 8: Devourer of Light
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