Doom Patrol free Tv shows

Doom Patrol - 2019

The members of the Doom Patrol each suffered accidents that lent them superhuman abilities -- but also left them scarred and disfigured. Down trodden and traumatized, the team saw purpose through the main, who brought them to explore the phenomena in existence -- and also to safeguard Earth.
Eps 1: Hope Patrol
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Eps 2: Nostalgia Patrol
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Eps 3: Hope Patrol
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Eps 4: Casey Patrol
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Eps 5: Youth Patrol
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Eps 6: Hope Patrol
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Eps 7: Orqwith Patrol
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Eps 8: Fame Patrol
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Eps 9: Immortimas Patrol
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Eps 10: Tomb Patrol
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Eps 11: Portal Patrol
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Eps 12: Done Patrol
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