Get a Life free Tv shows

Get a Life - 1990

Receive a Life is a television sitcom that was broadcast to March 8, 1992, from September 2-3, 1990. The show stars Chris Elliott as being a 30-year-old paperboy called Chris Peterson. Peterson lived above his parents' garage. The opening credits portray Chris Peterson delivering newspapers on his motorcycle into the show's theme song,"Stand" by R.E.M.The show turned into a generation of Adam Resnick, Elliott and also writer/director David Mirkin. Mirkin was producer/showrunner of this show and led most of the episodes. Writers of this show included screenwriter of Being John Malkovich, Charlie Kaufman. And Bob Odenkirk, co-creator of Mr. Show with Bob and David and Tenacious D.The show was unconventional for a primetime sitcom, and many times these episodes' storylines were surreal. For instance, Elliott's character really expires in twelve episodes. The causes of death included being crushed by a huge boulder, older age, tonsillitis, stab wounds falling from an airplane getting run over by automobiles, sipping on cereal, and exploding. It was challenging for Elliott and also Mirkin to get the show on the air. A number of the executives at the Fox Network loathed the show and also thought that the personality of Elliott was insane and it was too disturbing.
Eps 6: Paperboy 2000
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Eps 7: Drivers License
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Eps 17: Camping 2000
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