Switched at Birth free Tv shows

Switched at Birth - 2011

The narrative were switched as toddlers at the hospital. Bay Kennish grew up while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing due to a situation of meningitis at an early age, climbed up with a single mother in a working neighborhood neighbor hood. Matters come to a head that is dramatic when both families struggle to learn to live together for the girls' sake and meet.
Eps 1: The Call
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Eps 2: This Has to Do With Me
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Eps 3: Surprise
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Eps 4: Relation of Lines and Colors
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Eps 5: Occupy Truth
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Eps 6: Four Ages in Life
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Eps 7: Memory (The Heart)
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Eps 8: Left in Charge
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Eps 9: The Wolf is Waiting
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Eps 10: Long Live Love
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