The Assets free Tv shows

The Assets - 2014

1985 functions as the setting to the final show down of the Cold War when Sandy and her partner Jeanne Vertefeuille vowed to find the mole that could turnout to be the most notorious traitor Aldrich Ames, in US History. Sandy is at a race against time to rescue the intelligence officers out of being caught and killed. Living her own life in home, until she uncovered the truth, mum and this gorgeous wife vowed to stop at nothing.
Eps 1: My Name Is Aldrich Ames
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Eps 2: Jewel in the Crown
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Eps 3: Trip to Vienna
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Eps 4: What's Done is Done
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Eps 5: Check Mate
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Eps 6: Small Useless Truth
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Eps 7: The Straw Poll
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Eps 8: Avenger
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